It is really easy for you to overcome from issues associated to Shaw email. People are using it easily and conveniently because its technical service is really helpful. You just need to follow certain guidelines suggested by customer serivce for not responding issue.


Why Shaw Email Not Responding ?


Make Sure that You have Access to Internet: When you open an Internet browser and go to the web,you can connect to the internet. But you are not online, it is required for you resolve the Internet connectivity problem before you can use your email client properly.


Ensure that You can Log on to Your email Address by Using Webmail: When you are not able to login to your account, it may happen to you that your password has changed, or may be your email account got suspended. You should reach Shaw Support number for getting further assistance


You should Check Outbox Folder of Your Email Account: When you will have lists of emails that are still pending and has not been sent, it is required for you to delete them or should drag those emails into the Drafts folder. Try to send a new email or you may resend the old attachments. When you are able to do that, it means that the emails that you were sending previously was corrupted due to the size of attachment and bad connection. May be the issue Shaw not responding can be fixed easily.


You should Temporarily Disable the Running Antivirus Program: You need to send the message again. It happens that,the settings of antivirus can be too strict or may prevent you from sending emails. You can confirm your server settings by going through the directions for your email account that has been given below.